Special tourist badge
We have good news for tourist badge collectors. A special badge for the 27th International Narrow Gauge Railway Rally was issued recently. The badge will be available during the Rally, October 12th-15th, at Żnin County Railway station and at the Museum of Narrow Gauge Railway in Wenecja. Tourist badges of the Pałuki Museum branches and…

Commemorative stamps and postcard
The Polish Post issued special stamps for the 27th International Narrow Gauge Railway Rally. The stamps feature three stem engines which will participate in the event: Merapi, Borsig and Px-38 Leon. Besides, special postcards have been issued. They can be sent during the Rally by special railway postal service which is launched for the event.…

HF50B Engine at Żnin Rally!
During the trip to Hel you will see HF50B Petera Erka Engine, which can also be seen at the main part of the Rally. HF50B Engine has a 50 kM diesel engine. Due to its construction it was also called ‘the empty engine’. In 1942 it was entered under KML4 in the list of…